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Caregiver Burnout: 2 Common Causes and What You Can Do About It

Caregiver Burnout: 2 Common Causes and What You Can Do About It

Caregiver burnout is a real, adverse result of providing full-time care to a sick, disabled, or elderly loved one. It is only natural to want to go all out when taking care of someone you love; however, it becomes detrimental when you neglect your own needs and push yourself too hard. It can affect your ability to perform everyday activities, maintain your relationships, and it can even lead to apathy towards the person that you are taking care of.

As a concerned provider of personal care in Herndon, Northern Virginia, Attentive Home Care, Inc. suggests learning the warning signs and causes of caregiver burnout. Knowing its causes can help you identify and address them as soon as they manifest.

Here are two of the most common causes of caregiver burnout:

  • Physical Exhaustion. Caregiving is a physically demanding task and the longer you do it, the more physically exhausted you may become. You might start to realize that you have less energy compared when you first started. You might also be experiencing exhaustion despite a good night’s sleep; you might be getting sick more often, and; you might experience increased sleep disturbances.

    What You Can Do About It: Make sure to stay hydrated and eat well. Find time to exercise. Take short breaks throughout the day. You should also consider respite care so that you can take longer vacations. Also, please don’t skip your medical appointments.

  • Emotional Exhaustion. Taking care of a sick loved one and watching them decline is one of the most challenging aspects of caregiving. Caregiving isn’t just physically exhausting – it can be very emotional as well. As much as you want to ease their suffering and pain, sometimes, there isn’t anything you can do about it. There are good days and bad days. This constant emotional rollercoaster that you go through when providing care is one of the most common causes of caregiver burnout.

    What You Can Do About It: Don’t isolate yourself from your other family members and friends. Find time to go out and socialize. Talk to a relative, a friend, or even a counselor and get the emotional support that you need. Join a support group. Know that you are not alone and that there are people out there who can understand what you are going through.

Keep yourself healthy while providing your loved one with the care and support that they need. If you need respite care services or assistance with home care in Virginia, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Attentive Home Care, Inc. We are here for you and your family.

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